Three Promises
Directed by Yousef SroujiCast: Dima Srouji, Ramzi Srouji, Suha Khamis, Yousef Srouji
- Documentary
- Lebanon, Palestine, USA
- Arabic
- Subtitled
- 2023
- 61 mins
Composed almost entirely of footage taken by the filmmaker’s mother, Suha, THREE PROMISES is a portrait of one Palestinian family fighting for safety. The film takes place at the start of the 2000s, when the Israeli army is retaliating against the Second Intifada in the West Bank. At each moment of heightened danger, Suha promises to move her family out of the West Bank if they survive. As Suha films her husband, the then-young filmmaker Yousef, and his sister Dima, a war zone is seen through the intimate lens of one mother and her everyday, incredible love for her children.